Early History
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 Interviews, Recollections and Personal Stories

First Teacher in Laona Recalls Town’s Early Days from the Forest Republican Newspaper.

Ed Bradle Recalls Early Laona History  from the Forest Republican Newspaper.

Cecilla Webb, Laona Pioneer Recalls Early Days in County  from the Forest Republican Newspaper.  (Photo)

Leonard F. Sargent - Recollections of Laona  from Leonard Sargent's book Saw Dust. (Includes Photo)

Leonard F. Sargent - Sargent's Opera House  from Leonard Sargent's book Saw Dust. (Includes Photos)

Leonard F. Sargent - Laona & Northern Railroad  from Leonard Sargent's book Saw Dust.

Getting Ahead  from the book A Mind of Her Own: Helen Connor Laird & Family, 1888-1982.  (Includes Photo)

Biography - John D. Kissinger  by Published in the Daily Colonist, Victoria, B.C. Canada, 1957 

Interview with Ethel Baltus  from the 1980 research project Memories of Forest County

Interview With Laura (Eggebrecht) Faivre  from the 1980 research project Memories of Forest County.

Interview with Jerry Godin  from the 1980 research project Memories of Forest County.

Interview with Forest Tipton  from the 1980 research project Memories of Forest County.

Memories of an Early Settler - Joe Novak  from the Forest Republican Newspaper.  (Includes Photo)

1956 Speech by Gordon Connor from The Stratford Journal.

Early History
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